5:39 AM Unknown 0 Comments

17 It should be remembered

1. If you have a problem occurs, ill be avoided (confused), but MUST BE FACED calmly (think way out) and must have completed / there is a way out.
2. Facing all things, unlikely that negative thinking, such as: "I certainly incapacitate", "I can not", and so on. But always think positive, such as: "I can, there must be a way out" and others.3. It all depends mind and be happy !! (Mind is the forerunner !!). So keep our minds - good. Do not think bad / negative. Always think positive (good).
4. Any difficulties / troubles will be over. of any problem will be finished well over time. As the proverb says: NO PARTY IS NOT OVER.


5:35 AM Unknown 0 Comments


 Energy Saving Tips PC, Laptop Computers article I will discuss about the Energy Saving Tips Pc and Laptop. of course you feel the electricity payment swollen because of the use of computer or laptop every day? Moreover, using pulses of electrical current, of course, we have to be more efficient as efficient as possible so that the electrical pulses we not quickly exhausted. So to overcome this, the following AllSoft share tips on how to save energy and laptop computers.
1. Set the Lighting and Contrast Monitor
Perhaps for the layman or novice computer user, they rarely pay attention to their monitor


5:30 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Natural Beauty Tips Facial Massage

Massage do you want to maintain your skin to keep it soft and elastic smooth? It's good every day or at least every week take your time to massage or rub your face! Massaging the face is the same with facial exercise or exercise independently.Prepare in advance a good quality massage oils and soft, such as almond oil, avocado oil (avocado), jojoba oil, olive oil, soybean oil, and others. Almond oil and jojoba oil is a soothing oil. You can also add 3 drops of fragrance oil into each 15 ml of base oil.
Before starting the massage, should first clean the makeup on your face, make sure your hands are clean, for long hair your hair should be tied back. Pour the oil massaged into a


5:26 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Soothe Dry Skin

Erratic weather, pollution, wind that blows in the dust, sunshine, too rarely drink are few of the many causes of dry skin. Try the tips below to give your skin kelegaaan.
Dry lipsThe fix is ​​to drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated, use well water humidifier at home. Often also apply lip balm made from petroleum jelly or beeswax in order to remain in a state of moist lips. If possible, apply lip balm or lipstick enriched sunscreen every time out of the room. Avoid lingering sunlight or wind. Do not lick lips, initially it feels damp, but this would make the lips more dry afterwards.


5:21 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Efficacy PLANT

Dulse, Efficacy prevent high blood pressure, diabetes, neurological diseases and colon cancer. Besides, Dulse also maintain dental health and beauty of hair and skin.

Papaya, Efficacy enzymes help facilitate digestion and absorb the native protein and improve the physiological function and restore tissue. Papaya also contains an enzyme to separate - apart proteins into amino acids.Wheat chaff, rich in vitamin B complete and contain pure substances coming from the soil believed to cure hemorrhoids, constipation, prevent skin aging to keep skin feeling soft and smooth. Wheat husks can also reduce cholesterol, prevent heart disease and high blood pressure.


5:12 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Would YOU Honored?

R.ha Fatimah said to the Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah, if someone was able to keep his private parts is sweeter than honey, but to put it into practice is finer than a strand of hair due to keeping a strand of hair is very difficult."
Allah has required obedience to Allah and His Messenger is based on the word of Allah:
وما كان لمؤمن ولا مؤمنة إذا قضى الله ورسوله أمرا أن يكون لهم الخيرة من أمرهم ومن يعص الله ورسوله فقد ضل ضلالا مبينا
"No believer Mu'min men and not for women who mu'minah Similarly, when Allah and His Messenger have set a statute, will be there for those options (the others) about the affairs of whoever disobeys Allah them.And and His Messenger, then indeed he has been misguided,


5:47 AM Unknown 0 Comments


Global Warming and the solutions

Global Warming became the most hot issue in entire the world. The effect of Global Warming is very dangerous for the environment. But, there are still a lot of people who think about the global warming as just the issue and it is never make an effect to our Earth in the future. Though, there are a lot of signs from the nature that arise as the bad effect of Global warming.

The increasing sea levels has been occured in many areas in this world.  This increase happened because of the melting of the ice in the north polar. It cause of the world too hot,


5:44 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Vitamins For A Healthy Heart

As we all know, vitamins are very important when it comes to keeping your heart healthy.  You need to eat the right foods of course, although you also need to supplement the food you eat with the necessary vitamins your body needs to stay in shape and keep your heart working healthy for a long time to come.  If you don’t consume the right nutrients, you won’t be doing your heart any favors - and may end up having problems later on in life.

The first vitamin that comes to mind for most people is vitamin E, a vitamin that is essential to improving the overall health of your heart.  When taken correctly, vitamin E will stop the cholesterol in the body from harming the arteries that surround the heart.  Anytime cholesterol


7:47 PM Unknown 0 Comments

5 Tips to Secure Your Computer from Viruses

Protecting your computer from viruses, it is mandatory task. Sure you do not want that the data in your computer suddenly lost due to computer virus attacks, right? Therefore, I give various tips on securing your computer from viruses below and hopefully, it will be giving a benefit to you to close all the gaps of the potential harmful viruses.
1.  Install A Qualified Antivirus
Many users believe in the free antivirus protection. Indeed, the service providers said that there is protection spyware, adware, Trojans, and so on. However, essentially those free antivirus programs do not provide an adequate protection list. Instead, the threat continues to increase over time.