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R.ha Fatimah said to the Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah, if someone was able to keep his private parts is sweeter than honey, but to put it into practice is finer than a strand of hair due to keeping a strand of hair is very difficult."
Allah has required obedience to Allah and His Messenger is based on the word of Allah:
وما كان لمؤمن ولا مؤمنة إذا قضى الله ورسوله أمرا أن يكون لهم الخيرة من أمرهم ومن يعص الله ورسوله فقد ضل ضلالا مبينا
"No believer Mu'min men and not for women who mu'minah Similarly, when Allah and His Messenger have set a statute, will be there for those options (the others) about the affairs of whoever disobeys Allah them.And and His Messenger, then indeed he has been misguided,
with a clear error. "(QSAl-Ahzab: 36)
The virtue of hijab for a woman already Allah and the Prophet mentioned, what wisdom behind wearing a cloth that covered the body of a woman's beauty? The majority think the fabric will make the hot, sultry, troublesome and complicated taste, but why women who wear the veil do not immediately take it off if it is so bad or no wisdom of wearing hijab?
When you first verse of the hijab down from Allah:"And say to the believing women ... and let their veils over her chest, and do not reveal his private parts ..." (An-Nur 31), The Muslim taking what is around them, scarves, curtains, even the sack, to close auratnya.Karena ordered not merely advisory, nor friends or our parents, but Allah, the Creator, Who created us, ranging from head to toe.
The verse can be taken from one of the virtues of wisdom hijab, namely iman.Karena beginning verse Allah says the verse is intended for women of faith, then one berhijab virtue is that it is evidence of our faith in God SWT.Memakai veil / hijab is a command of God Allah, and obey the command of Allah is a manifestation of faith and understanding taqwamu.karena form of piety itself is obedience and distanced his ban.
Allah also says:"Let them garments over them.Its body such that they are easier to be known, and so they do not disturb". (Surat al-Ahzab: 59)
Wearing a headscarf, the woman will be identified as Muslim, Islamic religious woman, who knows the values of Islam, which also obeyed his Lord to berjilbab.Selain it with veiled woman respect him indirectly, refrain from acts that inappropriate conducted a Muslim woman, and keep away from distractions eyes of others who admire sosoknya.karena that they do not diganggu.Saat woman is not to be disturbed, sanctity was awake behind her hijab, as God commanded and hinted in the verse:
وإذا سألتموهن متاعا فاسألوهن من وراء حجاب ذلكم أطهر لقلوبكم وقلوبهن
"When you ask a (needs) to them (wives of the Prophet), then ask from behind the veil (hijab) .Cara such it is purer for your hearts and their hearts." (Surat al-Ahzab: 53)
Once or often we see women who are scantily clad, unknowingly, when they perform movements that can uncover her nakedness, it will automatically prevent hands or consciousness to be seen, why? because they unknowingly embarrassed, because his conscience deny meyingkapnya genitalia, because the nature and the nature of women is close auratnya.Maka hijab is nothing but the manifestation of shame a Muslim woman, and it was equivalent to one's faith, to one's morals, such as the Prophet decreed:
'' Shame it is part of faith, and that faith in heaven "
"Shame and faith join together, if one of them in the lift so that another party will be lifted"
"Indeed, every religion that has good character and morals of Islam it is a shame"
How beautiful God has created embarrassment on his servants, imagine what would happen if there is no shame in us?
If direnungi, wisdom hijab is not just for yourself, but also for the people around him, people who really love and mengkhawatirkannya.Betapa we as children would provide a sense of calm at the heart of our father's mother if her daughter has to protect himself with clothing soothing, so he is not easily disturbed when the wicked will leave with suaminya.hatinya rumah.Begitu also be more at ease when his wife only to himself, that his wife awake from the view of other men who are not muhrimnya.karena it, can said to be aligned with a protective veil and jealousy which is the nature of parents and husband, a perfect man who is not happy with the views treacherous fixed on his wife and her daughter.
Ali bin Abi Talib said: "It has reached me that the women you are overcrowded with men infidels' ajam (non-Arab) in the markets, do not you feel jealous? Surely there is no goodness in people who do not have the feeling of jealousy. "
"And say to the believing women, .. and let their veils over her chest, and do not reveal his private parts .." (Surah An-Nur: 31)
"Let them put out jilbabnya them.Its throughout the body so that so that they are easier to be known, and that they not be disturbed." (Surat al-Ahzab: 59)
Sister, closing and reached different from the wrapping, stretched not only to close the book kulit.Alangkah futile if we do just wrapped up, while God's command may not be worth sia.Dengan wrap, the skin is not visible but each curves and the hair is clearly illustrated, behind the transparent fabric or cloth is lifted degrees ketat.Hikmah veiled Muslim woman, not just a skin does not terlihat.Derajatnya appointed by disassociating himself from the lust of the opposite sex, so he assessed based on personal intelligence, moral goodness, not just external appearance or even hollow body which can disappear instantly if God berkehendak.Percayalah, God Knows ourselves, what is good and what we need, even more than we sendiri.Betapa God loves you, and how islam praise you O sister.
Now the question is, sayangkah are you to yourself? Would you honored?