Global Warming and the solutions
The cause of global warming
Generally, there are a lot of reasons that can make global
warming. The use of excessive fossil fuels too much because of the vehicles are
increasing is the main reason. Besides that, livestock and agriculture also
have contribution such as using excessive methane gas as the fertilizers.
The chemicals in fertilizers can not only damage the air
lining, but also the waters, soils, and production of the food. Besides that, the reasons why global warming
happen is because the factor of deforestation (land clearing) in big scale to
make the public facilities, such as road, school, hospital, and another
The solutions to minimize global warming
To reduce the effect of global warming which happened, you
can try to do these tips: First, choose the energy saving lamps as the lighting
in your house. Energy saving lamps have more expensive than the general lamps,
but the energy which is needed to light up is smaller than general lamps.
Beside of that, this lamp is more durable.
Second, do not forget to turn off the lamps when they were
not in use again. When paying the bills, you will choose to pay online. This
method is more econimal than pay directly. You can reduce the using paper which
is used as noted invoice. You can save the fuels of your vehicles because you
are not need to use your vehicles as when pay directly.
Third, laptops and computer are the most things which is
used in daily in every house. You should turn off this device when they are not
in use too. And You can choose to do not use the screen saver to save the
Fourth, when shopping, you should bring your own bag which
is made from the cloth. Avoid to use plastic bags which is given by the
supermarket. Plastic is a material that is difficult to be processed naturally
by the environment. It took hundred years to make it decomposed.